
Track a Shipment

Cargo Handling

Expertise across a full spectrum of
cargo handling services

At SAL, we comprehend that the demands of handling, warehousing, storing, and delivering cargo extend beyond a mere service as they require a comprehensive solution tailored to unique needs.

With a steadfast commitment to trust, we focus on delivering swift, efficient, and reliable cargo handling services. For over 70 years, our customers have been the guiding force in shaping the solutions they need for the transportation, clearance, storage, and delivery of their cargo. What they desire are solutions crafted around their unique requirements, ensuring a service that is not just quick and efficient but also grounded in trust.


Choose Us

SAL may be a relatively new company, but it has a rich heritage and a proven track record that gives our partners confidence.

Our coverage

Unique services and solutions offered at our seamless stations across
all major airports in Saudi Arabia.


159 +

Flights handled (per day)

359 k tons

Annual volume handled

332 k tons


70500 sqm

​​Cargo terminal area


157 +

Flights handled (per day)

289 k tons

Annual volume handled

352 k tons


63000 sqm

Cargo terminals area


53 +

Flights handled (per day)

103 k tons

Annual volume handled

160 k tons


34000 sqm

Cargo terminal area


11 +

Flights handled (per day)

2 k tons

Annual volume handled

6 k tons


1900 sqm

Cargo terminal area

Ready to take your supply
chain to the next level?

Our integrated solutions deliver an end-to-end service for our customers, adding value to the supply chain and acting as a catalyst for the Kingdom’s economic transformation.